Beradrome is inspired by the Solidly system, sharing some similarities and differences in how they handle liquidity provision, rewards, and token emissions.
Primary Token
Voting Token
Incentive Token
oBERO (Call option on BERO, strike price = floor price, no expiration)
Vote Escrow Lock
Fixed lock (4 years)
1 week unlock period
Assets Belong To
Solidly AMM
Any yield bearing asset can be integrated
Primary Token Liquidity
Token-owned Liquidity: Bonding Curve
Voting Token Revenue
SOLID: locked (ve33 rebase) Voter Rewards: swap fees
oBERO: unlocked (20% of emissions) Voter Rewards: swap fees, yield, interest, etc. Swap Fees: BERO + HONEY from bonding curve swap fees
Floor Price
Borrow against Voting Token
Borrow at floor price, no liquidation
How They Work • Solidly: Focuses on its own system for trading tokens (called an AMM). It earns money mainly from swap fees (charges for trading). People who lock up veSOLID and vote for certain pools get those fees as rewards. • Beradrome: A more open version of Solidly. It works with any profit-making asset, not just one system. This means it can earn money from swap fees, interest, new tokens, and even Berachain’s BGT rewards. It’s flexible and can adapt to new tech or strategies in decentralized finance (DeFi). What Makes Beradrome Special Beradrome uses a “bonding curve” (a smart pricing system) that brings some cool features: • Token-owned Liquidity (ToL): The system itself provides liquidity, so there’s plenty available from the start. • Single-sided Liquidity: You can add liquidity with just one token type, avoiding temporary losses. • Deep Liquidity: Lots of tokens are available with low price changes right away. • Fixed Floor Price: BERO always has a minimum value of 1 HONEY. • Safe Borrowing: You can borrow against hiBERO without worrying about losing your tokens.
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