Beradrome Validator

Beradrome and THJ have joined forces in an exciting collaboration to launch a validator on Berachain, taking decentralized finance to new heights. As two prominent players in the Berachain ecosystem, their partnership aims to enhance the security and efficiency of the Berachain network and enrich those actively using the chain.

Delegate your BGT here.

One of the key features of this collaboration is the introduction of a validator reward system. Once Berachain enables whitelisted gauges, hiBERO stakers will be eligibible for BGT emissions. This model not only fosters network security by encouraging participation but also aligns the interests of hiBERO stakers and bribers alike with the success of Berachain.

An additional product is kicked off by using HONEY as the bonding curve base token. Using a Stable Coin as the base token for a bonding curve allows us to strip away complexity and build a simpler UI for users to have HONEY backed stable savings account. Bonding curves, as automated market-making mechanisms, adjust the price of a token based on its supply. This integration attracts more participants, as it offers the dual benefits of liquidity provision and staking rewards. As more users engage, the increased demand on the bonding curve boosts the token's value, leading to higher transaction volumes. This surge in activity amplifies fee generation for liquidity providers, further incentivizing participation. Consequently, this creates a virtuous cycle: the liquidity and staking rewards attract more users, which in turn drives up transaction volumes and fees, thereby supercharging the overall liquidity and fee generation mechanism within the ecosystem.

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